The central and state government have made considerable effort to enhance the skill of the youth there continues to be a huge gap between the demand and supply of the skilled workforce. This is magnified by the fact that with a population of a billion plus people and majority.
In the average of 25 years nearly 300 million people are underemployed or unemployed. On the other side industries in acute shortage of skilled labour. This clearly highlights that most of our population is under skilled and therefore unemployable.
The BKVS has been established with a primary objective to enhance skills of the youth of india to meet the growing demands of modern industrialization in india. BKVS is starting today to be a part of changing face of tomorrow, to build a locally employable, nationally demanded and globally prepared workforce.
No program of action succeeds unless it has a vision, will, with all infrastructural facilities and other quality inputs to transcribe its objectives into reality. BKVS has the vision, the will and the infrastructural facilities and other quality inputs to transcribe its dream into reality. BKVS with all its conviction sharpen the analytical skill and mould our students into rational thinkers and turned them into skilled workforce.
All the Best...